Dear Moderator,

Hello and welcome to my blog.
You will find the beginning of my research and planning started in September.
My finished magazine is the last post on my blog at the top of the page.
You will also find my evaluation started in March.
I hope you enjoy reading through my blog as a lot of effort went into it, and I hope you find it interesting.
Thank you and enjoy.

Thursday, 29 September 2011

Research and Planning: Completed College Magazine.


  1. Overall I really like your magazine, you can tell you've worked hard on it. I like the Masthead font as it is unique and different to everyone else. I would criticize on the pink as it makes the magazine more for girls than multisex, so I would make the pink more of a purple. I would also use more space.

  2. I like your front cover as you have used a nice contrast of text and photo, i think that you could use an extra colour.

  3. I like your magazine, it stands out. I like the font you have used on your masthead and your picture is good. I think the background of the photo is too busy though and would have looked better if it was more plain, that would make your writing stand out more too. Overall i really like your cover.
    Your contents page sticks with the colour pattern of your front page and makes it obvious that its from the same magazine.
    Well done, it's pretty cool :)

  4. This magazine is very good as it is very colorful and the images and text stand out on the page making it easier to read on the page.

  5. This magazine is very good, and i like the contrast of colours you have used, they look good. The only thing i would change is maybe add another colour as it looks mainly one gender.
