Dear Moderator,

Hello and welcome to my blog.
You will find the beginning of my research and planning started in September.
My finished magazine is the last post on my blog at the top of the page.
You will also find my evaluation started in March.
I hope you enjoy reading through my blog as a lot of effort went into it, and I hope you find it interesting.
Thank you and enjoy.

Thursday, 15 December 2011

Research and Planning: Trouble With My Photos.

These were the two possible photos that I was going to use for my front cover, as they looked clear on the camera and are long shots which is what I want to use. Although when I uploaded them to the computer, they looked too blurry to use so wouldn't be effective on my magazine. This means that i will have to do another photo shoot to get a photo of better focus to use on the cover of my magazine.

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