Dear Moderator,

Hello and welcome to my blog.
You will find the beginning of my research and planning started in September.
My finished magazine is the last post on my blog at the top of the page.
You will also find my evaluation started in March.
I hope you enjoy reading through my blog as a lot of effort went into it, and I hope you find it interesting.
Thank you and enjoy.

Friday, 6 January 2012

Research and Planning: Photos Taken to Date.

I don't think any of the photos up to now are suitable to use for my magazine as they are either not very good quality due to the focus not being adjusted on the SLR camera, or the poses are not suitable, as my models were messing around or not ready for the photos. In a lot of them, one model has the right pose, whereas the other doesn't, so I haven't captured them at the right moment.
I really like this photo and think it would look good on the front of my magazine. The long shot would fit in well with the layout designs I have been looking, and if I edited out the back, the photo could look quite professional. Although I will have to look more closely at it, as it is slightly blurred.

This group of photos are not very suitable, due to lack of focus, the wrong facial expressions or poses, and some of them wouldn't fit in with the genre of my magazine.
I quite like the pose in this photo, although the facial expressions are not quite right for the genre of my magazine, and the positioning probably wouldn't fit in well with the layout I have been looking at.

This group of photos aren't suitable as the focus isn't very clear and the moment hasn't been captured at the correct time.
I really like this photo as it fits in with the genre of my magazine, the focus is okay and the facial expression is not stupid, whilst it's not too serious.
This photo would be effective on my front cover as it tie's in with the genre of music, due to the props. The poses and facial expressions also fit in with the genre as it looks as if they are singing. Although I will have to consider the clarity of it, as it is slightly blurred.
I like this photo for the same reason as the above one, although the facial expressions are not as effective for the genre of my magazine.

These four photos would not work at all, due to the blurriness of them, and they were taken at the wrong time.
I like this photo because of the faces pulled by the models, the confused look fits in with my genre as they also look casual at the same time.

These photos aren't suitable as the focus isn't good and the poses aren't timed correctly.
This photo is very effective, as it is clear, the pose is appropriate and fits in with the genre, and the facial expressions aren't too serious, but not too childish. I would definitely like to use this photo in my magazine, I might use it on my double page spread.

The rest of these photos aren't very good as they are either too blurred, or the poses and facial expressions are silly, or don't suit the genre.

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