Dear Moderator,

Hello and welcome to my blog.
You will find the beginning of my research and planning started in September.
My finished magazine is the last post on my blog at the top of the page.
You will also find my evaluation started in March.
I hope you enjoy reading through my blog as a lot of effort went into it, and I hope you find it interesting.
Thank you and enjoy.

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Reseach and Planning: Colour Schemes.

These are the two most suggested colours that I got in the results from my questionnaire. I'm not too sure about the red, black and white colour scheme as it is too typical of a indie/rock magazine as many of these magazines use this colour scheme. I do like the blue, black and white colour scheme as I like the shade of blue. The blue is like an indigo colour, which would be an effective colour to use for this magazine as the name of the magazine 'Indiego' so would tie in with the title. It's quite a nice colour and would not be used in a rock magazine as it's not deep enough, but because my magazine will be based mostly on indie, the colour would be suitable.

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