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You will find the beginning of my research and planning started in September.
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Friday, 11 November 2011

Research and Planning: SLR Camera Test Shots.

     Inside Shots

 The focus on this photo is quite good as the people in it are clear and the background is slightly blurry which is the effect that I wanted. There is no flash on so there is no extra light to affect the quality of the picture.  This is a medium shot and was taken on manual focus, so I think the photo has turned out quite well as I tried different setting when taking the camera, zoomed in and out the find the right length of shot and adjusted the focus to make the shot clear.

 This shot is not as good as the first inside shot as the focus is not very clear, it is a long shot which makes the people in it less clear too. This is taken with manual focus but has not been adjusted well as this is quite blurry. There was no flash on the camera so the lighting is fine, just the focus is not very good.
Outside Shots

 The lighting on this photo is natural as it was taken outside and there is no flash on the camera. The photo is quite blurry but looks effective as it is a close up shot. The only part of the photo that is really in focus is the persons arms, although it should be the camera, so if i was to take this photo again. I would take more time to adjust the focus to make it better quality. The lighting make the photo look okay as there was enough natural light so I didn't have to use flash.

This photo is not very focused as the subject is quite far away from the camera so the camera could not zoom anymore. The focus could have been adjusted more though which would make the person more focused and clear. The lighting is all natural as it was sufficient enough for the flash not to be used. The background seems to be more focused than the subject, meaning that the focus would need to be adjusted to make it the other way round with the focus on the subject rather than the background.

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