Dear Moderator,

Hello and welcome to my blog.
You will find the beginning of my research and planning started in September.
My finished magazine is the last post on my blog at the top of the page.
You will also find my evaluation started in March.
I hope you enjoy reading through my blog as a lot of effort went into it, and I hope you find it interesting.
Thank you and enjoy.

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Research and Planning: Artists I Would Associate With My Genre.

Florence and the Machine

This is the type of artists i would associate with my genre as she is quite indie. Her poses are not controversial and are quite original and different. Her style suits my genre and she is quite different to most other artists.


This band are suitable for my genre because their style is different and they are an indie rock band which is the genre of my magazine.

 Arctic Monkeys

This band are the same genre as my music magazine will be. Their pose is serious which is what the images in my magazine will be like and their clothing is dark, making them fit in with the indie/rock genre.

Ellie Goulding

Although this artist does not always produce indie music, some of her music fits in with the genre. Her style is quite indie and is the type of style that I will use on my models in my music magazine.

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